Thursday 20 August 2020

Pen Pal Letter

Dear: Pen Pal,

 My name is Ana.
 I'm nine years old and I go to Edmund Hillary school.
 I am a year five. I live with my Mum, Dad and my younger brother.
 Do you have any siblings? If you do, are you older or younger?
 I love animals and I love to play netball.
 What is your favourite sport and animal?

My family and I are not from Auckland but are from Timaru in the South Island.
 I was born in Timaru three weeks after my cousin Brianna.
We used to hate each other but as we got older we became best friends. 
 Edmund Hillary school is the third school I have been to.
My first school was Gleniti school in Timaru, my second school was in Tonga.
How many schools have you been to?

I am half Tongan and half pakeha.
My Dad is Tongan and my Mum is a pakeha. 
Last year we went to Tonga to live there but it didn’t work out.
I wasn’t eating that much and my Mum got sunburnt and my brother went to the
hospital because he fell off his bike and got a cut.
It was really deep. We stayed in Tonga for about 4 months.
Then we came to live in Auckland.

Hope to hear from you soon 
Take care in the lockdown 

Best wishes


  1. Hi Ana,
    Absolutely amazingly written letter. I like how you have asked questions to your pen pal. You have shared about yourself in great detail with your pen pal. I am sure your pen pal will enjoy reading the letter you have written and replying back to you.
    Keep up the awesome sharing. Was it easy to post your letter from a doc to your blog?

  2. Hi Ana,
    I love this letter it has all the things you like it is perfect to be sent.Stay safe.

  3. WOW.
    Kia Ora Ana,
    I LOVE this letter, this is excellent and percise. I love the things you asked and how you talked about yourself specifically.
    -Ema From Room Eleven
    -Take Care
    -Stay safe


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