Tuesday 18 August 2020

Week 5 reading task


  1. Kia ora Ana,
    What fantastic questions you created and I really found your responses detailed and well thought. Awesome mahi!
    I totally agree with you on what you think about what should happen after Covid 19 settles down. Yes, the government does need to focus only on getting this dangerous virus in control and I think they have done a good job by postponing the elections until 17th October 2020.
    I too want to go visit my family in India and USA once Covid 19 settles down. I miss my family. My grand dad was turning 100 this year in December and we were going to have a big re union and a grand party to celebrate his life.
    Keep up the great sharing and learning. Tino Pai Ana.

  2. Hi Ana. How are you? I just read your story 'After the Fire'. It is sad what some communities have to go through. The last lot of fires in Australia were really horrible to hear about. Most of my family live in Australia so I was keeping a close eye on the fires. Some got very close to some of my families houses. I worry about all the animals that died or lost their homes.
    The story also showed us that we can turn bad situations around if we try and work together. Like how Joe looked at their destroyed orchard but started to see how he could replant it and make it even better. I think this virus and our lockdown, as bad as they are, have taught us to be strong, stick together, and to care and look after each other. Can't wait to be in class with you again soon Ana.


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Positive - Something done well
Thoughul - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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